Thursday, April 14, 2011

count your blessings...

today has been better than yesterday. things get in the way of my life and i have this major problem with allowing it! little things can bring me down and then return me back just as fast. today, i have felt lonely... which happens to everyone. don't worry i'm completely okay. just dealing with the single life... we've all been there. i'm 20, i shouldn't be wanting to rush into a relationship and marriage... but right now i'm at one of those times when i want to just be married and moving on. i want to be picking out a wedding dress and doing all the fun things that brides get to do. but here i sit, at my ever-faithful computer typing my whine fest.

tonight mom, dallas and i went to an ASL Talent Show. it was a fundraiser for Mountain View's Sign Language club and also another Deaf non-profit organization. We were watching the performances and they had interpreters and there were some students that chose to sign songs. this made me so grateful for my hearing ability. i can not imagine going through life without ever hearing anything. not a baby crying or the sweet voice of Josh Groban.

Deaf people don't consider themselves as disabled. they just have a different way of life, they are a different culture.

i appreciate the gift of hearing today.